Courtney Koç


Real Estate . Traveling . Lifestyle

Highline Residential


Features Overview


Real Estate

New York is always changing, get the latest updates and see all the latest featured listings as well as tips, guides, video tours and more!


Visit CourtneyExposed on YouTube. A plethora of lifestyle videos reviewing products, makeup tips and challenges. View my calendar of upcoming and latest videos.


See my travel videos and traveling tips highlighting all the fun places I have visited and plan to visit in the future.


Travel Videos


Check out my other channel on YouTube Courtney Koc that features real estate listing videos as well as places I travel to

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About Me

My name is Courtney Koç and I know what you’re thinking (It’s pronounced “coach” not “cock”) and if I were to describe myself in one word… I really couldn’t. My ADD wouldn’t allow it. I’m much too deep and intricate to be labeled with only one word. I have many passions, real estate being one of them, but I like fashion, makeup, eating, traveling having a good time and showing people that they can too.

I have been in the real estate industry since 2014 and like most agents, it’s been a love hate relationship. As my uncle once told me, “you become an expert once you hit the 7 year mark” and so now that I have faced ups and downs and seen everything, I can honestly say…. I pretty much know what I’m doing.

Of course no agent knows everything which is why I do still have to keep up with new changes and trends that happen on the market. You have to always be evolving. One thing I feel like my clients need to know about me…if you haven’t figured it out this far, is that I generally don’t like to stick to the mold. It makes me feel uncomfortable because I hate not being able to be my true authentic self. While money is generally the goal as an agent, it’s not my main priority and it’s not my “motivator” …. attention and praise is, but that’s another story. I already have a hard time sleeping at night so the last thing I need is to worry if my client is happy or not. I like to be honest and upfront the first time so there are no surprises and to make sure that they are feeling comfortable throughout the entire experience.

The ongoing joke in the industry is that real estate is a lot like dating, you have to feel comfortable and trust the person otherwise it’s not going to work, not to mention that personalities also need to be in sync. Do you know how miserable it is to be with a person you generally don’t like? There is no need dragging through a deal feeling the same way.

